The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, August 19, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Soccer Season Opens in September
According to an announcement made by Secretary Patrick of the National League, the soccer season will open on Sept. 21. It was also announced that a match game will be played on Sept. 14, between a picked team from the New Jersey National League clubs against a picked team from the New York National League clubs. Later in the season a match will be played between the winners of the above game and a picked team from the Pennsylvania National League clubs. T he winners of the final match will be recognized as the champions of the National League. The Steel Workers are entered in the National League but will not be home from the Scandinavian trip by the time the league opens. However, the schedule is so arranged that no games are listed until their return, which will mean a lot of games in a short space of time to catch up with the other clubs. With the National League having decided to open its season next month, it will be the first time in the history of the sport in this country that league matches have been played in September. This action was adopted at a recent meeting of the National Association.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club