The Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
August 20, 1929
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Soccer Czar is New Idea
Soccer has a "czar" similar to Judge Landis of baseball, Walter R. Okeson in Eastern football, Major Griffiths of the Big Ten, among others. In the booting game it is a new experience but others have found the plan highly effective. The recent appointment of Col. G. Randolph Manning, of New York City, as the commissioner of professional socce3r in the East came as a surprise to veteran followers of the sport, but at the same time was hailed by them as one of the most progressive moves ever made in the sport. The commission will be in control of the professional angle all through the east and will have a wide range of power. All matters of dispute are to be placed before him immediately and he is to have power to settle them on the spot. It is felt this system will prevent many a disagreement reaching serious proportions, as action will be prompt and decisive. In the past many matters of a debative quality were forced to hang fir for protracted periods as high officials live in widely separated cities and it often was months before action could be taken. Colonel Manning is one of the most outstanding figures the game of soccer ever has known. He is interested primarily in the amateur side of the sport, but has not closed his eyes on professionalism and he always has been an untiring booster for the game. He is a member of the United States Olympic Committee, is a past president of the United States Football Association and has represented the latter organization at more than one meeting of the International Soccer Federation abroad. He is noted for his impartiality, fair dealing and ability to make a prompt and unbiased decision.

First Official Act
The first official act of Col. Manning, as Commissioner for the East, has been to suspend Josef Eisenhoffer, signed player of Hakoah All-Stars, who turned out for the new Hakoah team, an outlaw organization at Hawthorne Field, Brooklyn, last Sunday. In playing for Nat Agar's outfit, Eisenhoffer automatically suspended himself, but Col. Manning placed the official upon it. Although Eisenhoffer signed a contract which only became operative as from Sept. 1 until May 31, 1930, the mere fat that he took part in a game for an outlaw club, precluded the possibility of his fulfilling the contract which he had already signed for Hakoah All-Stars. What was considered to have been a final interview with Dr. Krauss, president of Hakoah All-Stars, following publication of statements indicating Eisenhoffer's intention to participate in outlaw football, gave hope to the belief that the player's verbal promise would possess that value which was confidentially placed upon it, but the demand which Eisenhoffer eventually made, only a few hours prior to the game at Brooklyn, before he would consent to remain loyal to Hakoah All-Stars, could not be conceded. Eisenhoffer apparently thinks that he will only be able to continue playing soccer for two more season, and that the present is an opportunity, which cannot be neglected, to make hay while the sun shines. As is Eisenhoffer's, so is Lazio's, an indefinite sentence. T here is no option of a fine. The verdict passed upon the players practically means their banishment from organized soccer. Austrian and Hungarian Associations have been notified of Col. Manning's carefully considered action in view of the premeditation of the committal of the offense, aggressively offensive in the eyes of international soccer law.

Springs a Surprise
The much discussed arrival of Jewish soccer stars from Europe is anticipated today when the record breaking Bremen berths at 58th Street, Brooklyn. It is understood that Schwarcz, Wortman, Neufeld, and Guttman are on board. Nationals claim that Schwarcz and Wortman have signed for them. Nat Agar is confident of getting Neufeld, while Guttman is assured for Hakoah All-Stars, which club anticipates to secure the quartet. The tangle will be unraveled in a few hours. Grenfeld, booked for the All-Stars, is on board the Resolute, due Thursday, while Fabian, accompanied by his wife, and Sternberg will arrive by the Berengaria, Friday. Maurice Vandeweghe announces that he has come to terms with Max Gold, the Vienna Hakoah halfback and back. He will be in New York in time for the official opening of the Eastern Soccer League season on Sept. 1. This player will be remembered as the one time Starlight Park favorite who has been playing great ball in Europe during the past season. W. L. Lewis, of Bethlehem Steel, sprang a big surprise yesterday when he announced that he had come to terms with Bobby Curtis, Brooklyn Wanderers' star forward. The Eastern Soccer League champions have always had a liking for Curtis, and Bethlehem officials are particularly pleased about having secure his signature. To fill the vacancy caused by the release of Jock Marshall, the steel worker also reported the capture of McDonald, the well-known Scottish League right fullback from Cowdenbeath. This player's resolve to come to the U. S. has caused quite a stir in soccer circles in Scotland. He is a player of outstanding ability. It is doubtful, however, if Bethlehem, as reported, will fix up Salisbury, the ex-Patrick Thistle outside left. "If he wasn't good enough for Liverpool," said W. L. Lewis, "then he isn't good enough for Bethlehem. I am causing further inquiries to be made about the player." The Eastern Soccer League, although not quite all set, are looking forward to a prosperous season. At a thorough business meeting, presided over by Col. G. R. Manning, at which all club owners were present, it was resolved to admit Newark Portuguese to membership, which club was reported to have joined the American Soccer League. If ground difficulties can be overcome, in regard to which Tom Adam is optimistic Newark will continue to operate. Meanwhile he remains membership of the league.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club