Simultaneously with this announcement came the further information that today's mail carries with it the resignation of Mr. Pepper from two important offices he holds in local soccer organizations. Although re-elected treasurer of the Lehigh Valley Soccer League a short time ago, after serving the league faithfully in that capacity last season, Mr. Pepper has declined to accept the office this year. He is also resigning as president of the Lehigh Valley Soccer Referees Association.
It is possible that great pressure will be brought upon the popular North Bethlehemite to reconsider his action. At the next meeting of the Lehigh Valley Soccer League for next Monday evening in Allentown the matter of Mr. Pepper's resignation will also be discussed and action taken.
Besides officiating in the two capacities already mentioned Mr. Pepper was last year honored with the vice presidency of the Eastern Pennsylvania District Soccer Association, a subsidiary body of the U. S. F. A., the governing organization of soccer in America. He is also prominent as an Eastern League referee. In his time "Pep" was one of the greatest halfbacks that ever played in this country.
When interviewed today, Mr. Pepper was reticent to make any statement, except to admit that it was true he was resigning. When asked if he would not accept a position as coach for one of the numerous teams in this section he replied that he would be willing to lend his aid informally to any team or teams but that he would not be connected with them in any regular capacity.