The Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, August 21, 1929
Four Eastern League Clubs to Emerge from Summer Layoff Week Ahead of Schedule

One week ahead of schedule, four Eastern Soccer League clubs will emerge from their brief summer slumber this weekend, when exhibition games will be staged to appease the hunger of the fans, and enable the players to "stretch their legs" prior to the meeting between Hakoah All-Stars and New York Giants at Innisfalls Park on Saturday afternoon. Rivalry between these teams has always been keen, but it will be keener still, now that Hakoah is a wholly independent organization. Maurice Vandeweghe sold his interest in the team because of the stern order of the U. S. F. A., which frowns upon dual ownership, and it is certain that when the teams clash, as frequently they must, during the ensuring season, the combats will be 90-minute affairs, keen as mustard from the start to finish. Saturday's game will be in the nature of an appetizer.

The actual composition of the teams has not yet been determined, but every available headliner will be on view. There will be several new faces in the lineup, and no "has-beens" will be there to weary the fans.

On Sunday, I. R. T. Rangers, the new tenants of McGoldrick Field, a compact well-equipped enclosure at Greenpoint, will entertain Hakoah All-Stars. This game should provide the Rapid Transit outfit with a real test of their caliber. They have not yet finished scouting to ensure quality players to wear their colors. They are quite sure that their swans will not turn out to be geese. Manager Eddie McCabe, the ex-referee, Ranger's newly appointed team manager, is preparing to accommodate a "full house." He is confident that there will be ample evidence of I. R. T.'s claims that they will be right in among the top sawyers this season.

Hispano will engage in an exhibition game with Bayonne Hispano at Ulmer Park on Sunday afternoon. Several of the Eastern League club's players are "natives" of the Bayonne locality, and this will give spice to the contest. Hispano are buoyant over their prospects this season.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club