The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, August 29, 1918

Bethlehem Steel soccer team will commence training Tuesday evening at 6:30 and will be continued every Tuesday and Thursday evenings during the season. The first game will be played on Sept. 28 in the National League. The National League schedule will be drawn up at a meeting of the league to be held on Saturday, Sept. 14, when one more club will be accepted from several clubs that have expressed a desire to join. The clubs in good standing in the league at present are: West Hudson of Newark, Scottish-Americans of Newark, Babcock & Wilcox of Bayonne, Merchant Shipbuilding team of Bristol, Paterson F. C. of Paterson, New York F. C. of New York and Bethlehem Steel. The Steel Workers will also take part in the National and American cup.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club