William Sheridan, manager of the Bethlehem Steel Company athletics, returned home from a soccer league meeting held in Newark, N. J., honored with the vice presidency of the New Jersey State Football Association. Mr. Sheridan is without a doubt as well versed in soccer as any experts and in electing him to the office of vice president the New Jersey association made no mistake. Since at the head of athletics at the steel works it has been largely due to his efforts that the soccer team has been successful in all its ventures. While in Newark, "Billy" as he is more familiarly known, attended the meeting of the National league. It was expected that at this meeting the schedule would be drawn for the coming season but this action was postponed until Sept. 14. There are numerous shipbuilding teams applying for admission into the league but no selection will be made till it is learned which industries can present the strongest squad. Until it is finally decided which of these teams is to be selected, the schedule will not be drawn.
With deep regret, although proud that one of their teammates is leaving to serve the colors, the Steel Workers bid farewell to Tommy Murray. Tommy was one of the most popular players on the team and his congenial spirit and always radiant smile will be sadly missed during the coming campaign. As a player Manager Sheridan will have a hard task in filling Murray's shoes. For four years he battled with the Steel Workers and was one of the hardest and best players on the field.