The Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Friday, August 30, 1929
Bethlehem Meets Formidable Rival in Hakoah for Opening Tilt

The official opening on Sunday of the Eastern Soccer League campaign could not very well be other than a thriller. Hakoah All Stars, judged by their preliminary appearances an even stronger team than when they carried off National Cup honors, will be put to the supreme test at Starlight Park, New York, when they face Bethlehem, the league champions of last season. It will be a titanic struggle between two brilliant forward lines. In choosing the attacking quintet, Hakoah's chief difficulty would seem to be the embarrassment of riches. For the outside berth, for instance, Schwarcz, Neufeld and Rosenberg are available, a great trio. Greunwald and Grenfeld are candidates as leader of the attack. The actual formation of the front rank has wisely been deferred until shortly before the kickoff. The probability is, however, that the chosen five will be Schwarcz, Hausler, Grenfeld, Wortman and B. Grenfeld.

Bethlehem had hopes of strengthening their rear division by the inclusion of an English player of repute, but it is doubtful if negotiations will be concluded in time to admit of his playing Sunday. But they have a halfback line which is probably without equal in the country. MacGregor, Carnihan and Findlayson are a wonderful trio, powerfully built, and talented beyond dispute. Bobby Curtis, late of Brooklyn Wanderers, will partner Gillespie on the right. There is a possibility of a great combination here. Both players are of the go-ahead type.

At McGoldrick Field, Greenpoint, New York Giants will be the guests of I. R. T. Rangers, both of whom suffered defeat in their opening bouts with Hakoah last weekend. The game on Sunday will provide a treat to enable them to discover weak spots in the team, the equality in strength aiding them in their purpose.

Rangers are to depend upon the same eleven as finished as strongly against Hakoah. This should be a very closely contested game. It may be that Rangers will give a tryout to McKenna, a fullback, who has been strongly recommend to them, but Minnik and Rankine will be given first opportunity of bearing the brunt of Giants' attack. Foy, the ex-Boston player, will be at center half.

In their game against the Hungarians, Hispano will trot out their latest capture at Steinway Oval, Jack Deal, American Olympic center forward. A great deal is expected of this Philadelphia lad. Carnegie, just out of the hospital, is still unable to take up his rightful position as partner to Findlay, but Malloy will be given the opportunity of showing his paces.

Newark Portuguese will have as their guests the Lusitania Rics of Boston at Ironbound Field, New York, in an exhibition game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club