Opening Gun
Major league soccer in the Eastern loop celebrated its inaugural on Sunday afternoon and while Bethlehem's start was not very auspicious, nevertheless, the brand of play dispensed augurs well for the future. Hakoah Jewish stars, a team that Bethlehem defeated in most decisive manner in all but one or two of the league starts last year, was the victor by the close margin of one goal. Comparatively speaking Hakoah fielded a side at full war strength while Bethlehem was somewhat crippled by the absence of several of its veterans. The players who pinch hit in these positions included Findlayson and Curtis, both newcomers to the club this season, performed in creditable style.
First Home Game
When the homesters trot out on Lehigh field next Saturday afternoon for the first home game it is more than likely that some of the absentees will be on the job, ready to don the harness. This is more so true concerning Willie Reid, right halfback, who was expected for the opening game, but probably not likely of Alec Massie, a regular inside forward, and McDonald, the latter a newcomer, who will play in the back position. The latter two are busy straightening out some immigration difficulties but are assured of a clean bill before the end of the month.
Absence of Gibson
When Willie Gibson received a cable to return home immediately to attend to some personal affairs, the back department of the Bethlehem booters was severely wrecked. Gibson, it will be recalled, played brilliantly for the team last season and was one of the most steady back to sport the colors Blue and White in recent seasons. He will return but when is problematic. In the meantime the club is urging the hasty arrival of McDonald who will take his place. McDonald comes to the club with the reputation of being one of the outstanding backs in Europe. The fact that he played regularly for Cowdenbeath, a first division Scottish League team, means plenty.