The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, September 5, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Steel Workers Drop First Game
American Soccer Champions: 3 wins, 1 loss, 4 draws

After combating successfully against its European rivals in seven out of eight starts, the Bethlehem Steel soccer team, champions of the United States, dropped the first contest of the Scandinavian invasion on Wednesday afternoon when they were defeated by 3 goals to 2. The victory was registered by the Malmoe team in a game played at Stockholm. The defeat by no means lowers the colors of the American aggregation, who in the games played thus far have a strong hold on the international honors and rather than disgraced by their defeat, adds even greater laurels by virtue of their previous victories. The score, as in all previous games, would indicate that the Americans went down to defeat only after a brilliant fight and forced the opponents to their utmost to gain the one-goal advantage. The Associated Press report on the game says:

"Stockholm, Thursday, Sept. 4 -- The Bethlehem Steel football team suffered the first defeat of its European tour here yesterday, being defeated by the Malmoe team, 3 goals to 1."

A cablegram received at the offices of the Bethlehem Steel Company states that the players were tired after a long trip from Copenhagen.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club