The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, September 5, 1923
Fixing Up Playing Pitch Delayed Start of Practice Scheduled for Yesterday

Soccer practice for the Bethlehem F. C. scheduled to start yesterday afternoon, was postponed until Thursday of this week. The reason was probably because the work on the field is not yet completed.

"Bill" Sheridan is supervising the resodding of the infield and the erection of the goal posts. According to Sheridan, who for years has been associated with the Bethlehems, the field is in the best condition ever, and will be ready to turn over tot he players the latter part of this week.

That the start of practice and the rounding into form is imperative is evidence by the fact that already two teams of the American League, both of which are strong rivals of Bethlehem for soccer honors, have played their opening games. Last Sunday J & P Coats, winners of the American League title, and Harold Brittan's Fall River gang figured in an exhibition affair in which the latter won out by the score of 3 to 2. On both teams new players were used.

The personnel of the Bethlehem team, according to gossip heard, is far from complete and several new acquisitions are expected in addition to those who have already reported. It is likely that the team will be compete by the end of this week.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club