The Globe-Time -- Bethlehem
Friday, September 6, 1929
Giants Promise to Make Bethlehem Hustle When Season's Hostilities Resume

After months of idleness soccer hostilities will be resumed on Lehigh Field, Bethlehem, on Saturday afternoon, when the Bethlehem team oppose the aggressive and hard playing New York Giants in an Eastern League engagement.

Although each of these teams played its league inaugural, the game here will be the first home start of the local booters and with such a formidable opponent as New York Giants, one that promises thrills from the opening to the final whistle.

The soccer boosters had their meeting last night and planned for the league opening. The field has been dressed to its finest, players are ready and in fact all details for the grand opening attended to.

The Giants will present the same lineup which in two previous starts defeated the Rangers and held the Hakoah All-Stars, the later a team to defeat Bethlehem in its opening game, to a draw. Among these players will be Adair, an outside forward who was lured away from Nat Agar's Brooklyn Wanderers, and Lyell, also a forward and teammate of Adair, at Brooklyn.

Bethlehem is still anxiously looking forward to the time when the squad will be recruited to full war strength but this will hardly be before the end of this month. As a result several players who will see service on Saturday will be seen out of their regular positions but their display in the opening game against Hakoah was such as to create an impression of confidence.

One newcomer will be with the club and will probably get a chance for a trial before the final whistle. He is Joseph Watkinson, of Scranton, a Welsh player and former school boy Internationalist who later played as halfback with the Swansea Club. Since locating in Scranton he has played actively in that district.

Joe McDonald and Alec Dick, the former a back and the latter an inside forward, are expected to join the club either Saturday or Sunday. Like McDonald, Dick comes here with an excellent reputation, having played with Queen of South Club and also the Rangers reserves. The former club is the same from which Tommy Gillespie came from when he decided to play in this country.

Ed. Donaghy, a Bethlehem player back in the days of 1912, who is located in New York City, has been assigned to handle the game. The probable lineup follows:

Bethlehem -- N. Y. Giants
Beveridge -- G -- Jack Brown
Finlayson -- RFB -- Jon. Brown
Allan -- LFB -- Glover
Rollo -- RFB -- Sloane
Carnihan -- CHB -- Jorgie
McGregor -- LHB -- Moorehouse
Gillespie -- OR - -Adair
Curtis -- IR -- Ballantyne
Stark -- CF -- Stevens
Jaap -- IL -- O'Brien
Purgavie -- OL -- O. Brown

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club