The Globe-Time -- Bethlehem
Friday, September 6, 1929
Arrange For Open Game on Saturday and Also Plan Season's Activities.

Enthusiasm prevailed when soccer boosters assembled at the Hotel Bethlehem last even for their first meeting of the season and along with plans for the opening game discussed many other matters which should tend to greatly increase interest and popularity of the major league booters in this city.

The meeting was presided over by Claude Staufer, the president, and a good bit of time consumed in giving a resume of the present soccer situation. The program for the season was tentatively outlined and no little consideration given to the youngsters who in recent years have been responsible for the great expansion of the sport in this vicinity.

A plan that was favorably endorsed is patterned along a system employed in England by which young players are developed and many eventually graduate into the major league ranks. The first step in this direction will be to organize a Bethlehem third team, to be comprised of promising young players to compete in the local league and then when warranted drafted for a trial with the major club.

The purpose is to encourage these boys and assist by coaching and otherwise in bringing about the development warranting a trial. In t he past many players not quite ripe for major league trials were given an opportunity and probably discouraged when they failed to make good. These youngsters displayed possibilities and they especially will be encouraged to stick to the game.

The team will be selected by a committee and comprise boys who show possibilities of big league timber. In England this system has been in vogue for a good many years. Junior clubs are fostered and the players instructed and coached and this plan is probably the secret of the wealth of high grade talent cavorting the soccer field abroad.

A committee comprising William stark, coach of soccer at Liberty High School, Charles Clarke and Rev. F. S. Hort, was appointed to study the problem of creating a greater cooperation with school activities. Soccer balls will be provided, a practice which has previously been resorted to, and the boosters led their assistance wherever possible. By this means it is also hoped to create a wider expansion of the sport.

The sandlotters will again be privileged to attend the games. The boosters have secured a big supply of booster caps and they will be the badge of admission. In addition the usual reward of a soccer ball to the youngster lucky to have his name drawn from the box will be made at all home games and it is planned to offer other prizes which will be of value in their school work.

In reports heard it was intimated that the major league soccer controversy will probably be settled in the very near future and the boosters heartily endorse the activities of the Bethlehem club in its efforts to bring about a reconciliation. It was with great interest that the members of this organization and others interest in soccer were apprised of recent developments all of which indicated an early settlement.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club