The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, September 9, 1921
Announcement Made That City Will Again See High Class Soccer This Fall

A movement is now on foot to again organize the Bethlehem Soccer team, which disbanded partly because of lack of support on the part of townspeople at the conclusion of the schedule last year. The team will probably include all the members of the famous Bethlehem Steel Club, and William Sheridan, who has taken an active part in the affairs of the former soccer team, will act as manager, and will foster the organization until the preliminary arrangements have been completed. The game will not be indulged in to such an extent as in the past, but every effort will be made to keep it up to the former high plane which it occupied during the period when Bethlehem became nationally recognized for the ability of its soccer players. The material is very strong, and with expectations of a powerful eleven, application has been made to enter the Allied League and National Cup tournament, which the former local team had the distinction of winning on seven different occasions.

Tomorrow afternoon the Philadelphia team, comprised of players that made up the old Bethlehem Steel F. C., will make their initial bow at Philadelphia, where they will line up against a team composed of the pick of soccer stars in the Quaker City and will be known as the Philadelphia All-Stars. Upon the showing made by the men in this game, the local eleven will be picked, and it is quite certain that a very good exhibition of soccer will be forthcoming in tomorrow's contest. The men will leave the Union station on the 9:30 o'clock train tomorrow morning and will include the following: Kerr, Bethune, Ferguson, Murray, Porter, Morley, D. Campbell, Brittan, Forrest, Fleming, Fletcher, Collier, J. Morrison, Lorimer, and Bill Stark. D. Campbell, the only new man on the squad, hails from the Babcock-Wilcox eleven and is regarded by many critics as the cleverest forward in the country.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club