Armstrong Patterson, of Detroit, Mich., president of the United States Football Association, along with his chief aide, Col. Manning, czar of Eastern professional soccer, were present at the meeting.. American Soccer League interests were represented by Sam Marks, owner of the Fall River team, and Mr. Bondy, an attorney for Charles Stoneham and secretary of the New York Nationals. W. L. Lewis of this city was present as a representative of the Eastern Soccer League.
While all transactions were discussed with the strictest secrecy to withhold all official information until details have been satisfactorily worked out, it nevertheless leaded out that a truce has been tentative e3ffected and will be definitely so once the various twists and angles brought about by the controversy are straightened out.
The soccer war which followed when American Soccer League clubs with the exception of the Giants, Bethlehem and Newark refused to enter the National Cup competition and in turn suspended the three named clubs for entering, has been in existence almost a year. Various methods were resorted to in an effort to relieve the U. S. F. A. of National supervision, but in practically every skirmish, some of which were legal entanglements, the parent organization came out on top.
With a truce effected it now becomes quite a problem to devise ways and means of merging the outlaws with the Eastern Soccer League or possibly distribute the clubs into two leagues. This matter must be judiciously attend to to avoid offending any of the interests which remain loyal to the U. S. F. A. in its fight against the outlaws. For that reason it may be several weeks before any official announcement or any definite plan is adopted.
The most ticklish situation is presented in the Metropolitan district where clubs abound in great numbers. The congesting here especially must be relieved and it may be necessary to eliminate one if not two of the clubs. In this section teams such as the Giants, Hakoah, Nationals, Brooklyn Wanderers and Brooklyn Hakoah's will no doubt lay claim to territorial rights and just what disposition will be made is a matter of conjecture.
The emphatic evidence that good will again prevails among the interests on both sides of the fence is the agreement that poaching must be abandoned and no player transfers allowed during the time the various matters are being discussed.