In the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Neilson, 307 North Main Street, Bethlehem, a surprise supper was given to C. A. Brady, Oswega, N. Y. Covers were laid for fifty members and friends of teh champion Bethlehems Soccer team. The menu follows: Martini cocktail, Fruit cocktail, cream of asparagus, peas, sweet potatoes, fried oysters and roast stuffed chicken, ice-cream, coffee. After supper was served the chairman R. W. Scaife, called on Neil A. Clark late of Brooklyn, now a member of the Bethlehem's Football Association. To open the musical program E. R. Peacock, R. S. Miller, R. F. Black, Garvin H. Crawford, George Hill and the Misses May and Elsie Dorsey the well known cabaret singers, New York; Elsie E. Meyers, Stella Worth, Carrie Newfield, Jessie Thompson, Alice Perfield, Grace Stone, E. Neilson, responded with songs, R. Miller gave a good exhibition of step dancing, but it was left to John Toole to make the hit of the evening with his favorite song entitled, "At the Devil's Ball," which he sang in his own inimitable style. The house was beautifully decorated with the Bethlehem team's colors, blue and white, and everybody present received bouttonierres of the same colors. Refreshments in abundance were served. Chairman R. W. Scaife spoke elegantly of the occasion, and on behalf of the guests presented Mr. Brady with a few appropriate presents the gifts of friends. Mr. Brady responded, thanking Mr. Scaife and the guests and said that he had travelled quite some, and in all his travels had never met a bunch of fellows, who showed the real spirit of friendship and sociability as did the one whose company he had the honor to be entertained by, and that he hoped his stay in the Bethlehems would be permanent. He said it was not surprising, the way the Bethlehems attained its splendid success last season, as perfect harmony exists among all the players, without which it is almost impossible to achieve such distinction and he hoped that they would go one better this year and lift the national challenge cup the supreme honor in the soccer world of the United States, with the addition of their newly acquired stars." Dancing followed at which the Misses Lucy Black, Bertha Pruine and John Toole accompanied on the piano.
The party closed shortly after midnight with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne," and the rendering of a vote of thanks to Mrs. Neilson and her assistancs for the capable manner in which they prepared and served the supper.
May Dorsey, Elsie E. Meyers, Carrie Neufield, Jessie Thompson, Lizzie Neilson, Jessie Neilson, Christina Neilson, Alice Perfield, Grace Stone, Annie Miom, Marion Bradford, Catherine Steward, Lucy Black, Bertha Irvine, Mrs. J. Campbell, Maggie Walker, Elizabeth Scott, Mattie E. Jones, May Clifford, Robert W. Scaife, Robert A. Miller, Thomas Fleming, Neil A. Clark, Archie Black, Carl A. Brady, Thomas Black, Ernest Peacock, Garver Crawford, John Toole, James Campbell, George Hill, William Neilson, Edward Neilson, Sydney Paras, Martin Cooper, John Cayne and Bert Fisher were present.