The launching of soccer in the various shipyards and munition manufacturing plants has kept scouts busy sweeping the country in an effort to lure star players into these plants. While in most instances publicity was widely given to the efforts of the representatives of these teams and their every move made known, Manager Sheridan of the local squad was busy in a quit manner securing players to bolster up probably week positions developing on his championship team. In this he was successful in securing two St. Louis players, conceded the best in the Middle West. The new players are James Brennigan, a left wing, either inside or outside, developed into a soccer player at Christian Brothers College, the same institution where Harry Ratican one of the star Bethlehem players, received his early training in the game. The other player signed is Bob Lancaster, a star player on the Ben Miller team, of St. Louis, last year, who while still a youngster, has had considerable experience in the game, having had his early training in England. With these two men signed Manager Sheridan has players he can inject into the affray at any time and feel confident they can uphold the playing standards established by the Steel Workers.
In addition to being a soccer player of note, Brennigan is also considered a star baseball player and will no doubt be good material for the baseball season next year. Brennigan came here this week from the South where during the ball season he covered an infield position for the Jacksonville, Fla., club. He is 20 years of age and is conceded as being the youngest ball player that ever entered the major leagues., having been the property of the St. Louis Cardinals since he was 16 years old. After starring for Christian Brothers College in soccer games, Brennigan last year signed with the St. Leo team, one of the strongest soccer aggregation in St. Louis and all through the season played a brilliant game. Manager Sheridan was fortunate in securing the youngster and although he is not assigned to a regular position he is a good man to fall back on in case of injury to any of the players or any other emergency.
For the position left vacant by the leaving of Tommy Murray, the star right halfback, who entered the service with a draft contingent, there are four players eligible who may be shifted to this position. Pepper, who can play a wonderful game at halfback, might be shifted to this position although Manager Sheridan may later decide that Fred will prove to a greater advantage in his old position. In that event "Bobby" Morrison, Lance and Butler will be the candidates who will work for Murray's place.
Although practice has been in progress little more than a week the players are rounding out into excellent condition and in a short time will be fitted for the opening game. Lancaster and Brennigan worked out with the players on Saturday afternoon and both showed good form. The practice will continue regularly until the opening date.
Just what prospects there are of staging one or two exhibition games before the league and cup season opens will depend on the schedule that will be arranged by the National league. This body will have a meeting in Newark, N. J., on Saturday at which time it is expected that the schedule will be arranged. Mr. Sheridan will represent the Bethlehem team at the meeting.