The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, September 10, 1919
That Was Played Abroad by Local Champions in Sweden and Won

Believing that local soccer enthusiasts are interested in the detailed accounts of at least some of the games of the American champions abroad, The Globe, through the courtesy of the Bethlehem Steel Company, has secured a translation of the second game played on August 14, which appeared in the Swedish newspapers.

Interesting in the account of the game is that among the fifteen thousand attendants was included the King, but the writer apparently presence of only a secondary nature, featuring in his opening paragraphs the playing of the Yankees and making only slight mention of the presence of the King. This was the second game played by the Americans and the first victory on foreign soil. The translation, in detail, is as follows:

Rapid and Rushing Game

The Americans have played their second match and won. The Tigers were the victims and the result for them, in spite of all honorable, 1-0. The public, who themselves know how to judge a football game, had seen the Sunday match and therefore also appeared at the Wednesday match.

Not less than 15,000 people (34,000 crowns) surrounded the stadium arena. Sunday's American match was an income record of stadion. Wednesday's was remarkable enough the second record and decided audience record for an every-day evening. It was visible as well as audible that the audience gets and considers itself getting benefit of seeing the Americans playing against our boys. And thus is the object of the tournament gained. Because no one will deny, but everybody must fully admit, that the Yankees have much to teach our players and that they at every match give a glorious display of just what they are able to teach. It is hardly necessary to go through the program again; the high speed, the fiery spirit of the team, the resolute go-ahead tactics -- everything founded on a serious and thorough training.

That the Swedes latterly, as a matter of fact possess more football culture is as well as it ought to be and as pleasing. In any case it gives us no right to look the Yankee over the should, if anybody should get that silly idea -- at least not until the Yankees have been beaten, and so far they have not. Anyhow, Wednesday's match had gathered 15,000 spectators among whom were the King and his attendants. During intermission the King had a conversation with Mr. Cahill and immediately thereafter as soon as the Bethlehem players appeared on the field they stopped in front of the royal box and give their Bethlehem cheer:

Ra, ra, ra,
Ray, ray, ray
Bethlehem Steel, Bethlehem Steel, Bethlehem Steel,
The King, The King, The King
Thunderous applause.

Characteristic for Wednesday's games was speed and force. And what also could it be when Americans appear on the field. With its great speed, the match was a decided audience-match, at all times capable of keeping the interest alive, and letting one soar in uncertainty of the result. To prevent all misunderstanding it must also be said that no first-class game was produced; because, not matter how much Scotch and English those Americans may be, they have more than anything become Americans and acquired that terrible "go-ahead" which is the characteristic of their nation.

Football we do not have to learn directly from the Yankee's side, but many other thins of which we, for the sake of football, have invaluable use. Yesterday's American team had about the same strength as Sunday's. Campbell appeared to be the best man in the field, although his placing mostly proved a trifle too high. And playing high was a common feature of the match. Campbell is, however, a football player by "grace" that is even more apparent. Largely [...] it may have been to his credit that the Tiger chain was broken in quite a considerable degree. Further more, Fleming showed himself on the tight rope, with the exception however, of Gurra Karlson with his powerful energy, at times putting him out of his game and therewith also the American chain; because now as well as Sunday, Fleming appeared as "primus motor" in that chain, which is quite a high mark for an outfielder. Fleming and Brown laid up several corners with a precision which had scarcely been seen before on the stadion. Especially Fleming's corners screwed themselves into goal as good as automatically. The American defense chain combined at times better than Sunday, but Heminsley hardly did as well in center as Ratican, who although he did not play in his best form the last game, is an extremely dangerous player and apparently a moral factor to take into consideration. Heminsley, however, had a greater inclination to play outfield, an inclination which one supposedly may state about Ratican the next time.

Brown, R., outfield, he is really L. outfield, was found to be an utterly dangerous player, who, with small means and sometimes quite cunningly broke through and centered prettily. The infielders: Stark filled their place excellently, Forrest, as a matter of fact, appeared to be the day's luckiest forward player; he is elegant and more flexible than his comrades; got several difficult shots going and handed out pretty things to Fleming. Yesterday was the second time the team played together since June. Since that time they have only had their hard condition training. Match after match, they seem to improve and if only the combinations get started, the Swedes may, in spite of all, have to look around for victories. Too bad! Because the Americans have plenty of ambition.

In any case, Forrest made the goal and made it with his head; each of the three goals up to this time made in Sweden by the Americans have been shot by the head. And the "nicks" which yesterday went just above or alongside the goal are not counted in a jiffy. Murray and Blakey in outer halfback played the entire match with furious speed, as did the backs, Robertson and Fletcher. One enjoyed the hard and quick way to go ahead, which these gentlemen displayed. Not a moment was left for the Tiger chain to consider the situation.

Especially funny was Morrison to look at; fiercer and more resolute than ever; about 70 {?} percent of in the last minute broken Tiger attacks fell on his share. And Dante, who, anyhow, has played some football, says, shaking his head, that Robertson is more funny to look at from the grandstand than to play against in the field. Duncan, calm as if he was sitting in the dining room at the Strand, did what he was supposed to do and then some, namely when he had lost a hard shot out of his hands and in the last hundredth of a second caught it again just as it, with unmoveable speed, seemed addressed to the net.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club