East End field yesterday afternoon was again the scene of much life, and many persons who passed it gazed in pleased wonderment at the tactics of the blue jerseyed players who were being put through a sharp practice. All the players seemed to be in splendid condition and a fast game should result tomorrow, when two picked teams will line up against each other and play a regular ninety minute game. H. Carpenter will referee and efforts will be made to start the game promptly at 3:30 p.m. The grounds will be thrown open to the public. Secretary Trend who attended the Philadelphia meeting last night announces that the schedule will probably be completed by Sept. 17, and published in Philadelphia and Bethlehems papers, on Sept. 18. The American Football association will hold a general meeting at the Continental hotel, Newark, N. J., when all entries into the American Cup competition will be passed on and the entries closed and the drawing for the preliminary and first round will take place.