Ratican Still a Free Lance
There is little doubt but that every club in the newly organized American Soccer League is looking forward to the services of Harry Ratican with longing eyes. The former star center forward of the Bethlehem aggregation is still a free lance and according to conversation with friends while on a visit to Bethlehem last week, he is not in a hurry to sign a contract. He further intimated that he had really no preference as to which team he played with and intimated that the club offering the best terms would secure his services. The loss of Ratican to the Brooklyn aggregation the club he was with last season, would undoubtedly be a hard blow. The Celtics, of Jersey City, would probably profit most materially by the acquisition of Ratican. Included among the Jersey City clan is Bob Millar, of Bethlehem Steel fame and later captain of the Robin Dry Dock eleven. Ratican and Millar were teammates for a good many years and both being adapted to each other's style of play, would surely make a strong and effective pair for any club.
Bethlehem Steel, Alias Philadelphia F. C.
As was expected, the majority of the Bethlehem Steel players flocked to the Philadelphia F. C., so that the team to sport the Quaker City colors will virtually be the team selected to represent Bethlehem in the new circuit before the club was abandoned. Therefore, the campaigning of the Philadelphia will be followed with interest by all local soccer enthusiasts. Among the Bethlehemites to perform with the club are Tommy Fleming, William P. Forrest, John Ferguson, Tommy Murray and James Wilson, all old standbys. Others who played with Bethlehem toward the close of last season and represented the Blues in the game against the Scottish invaders acquired by the Philadelphia club are Harold Brittan, Fred Morley, William Collier, William S. Porter, Robert Bethune and Finlay Kerr.