The Globe-Time -- Bethlehem
Friday, September 13, 1929
Team Strengthened to Resume Hostilities Against Hakoah All-Stars

Another game for the book is on the card for the local soccer fans Saturday afternoon when the Jewish combination of Hakoah All-Stars meet Bethlehem on Lehigh Field, Center Street and Elizabeth Avenue.

With interest running rampant it is expected that soccer fans will journey from far and near to take advantage of this opportunity of seeing two of the highest powered elevens in the country in competition.

While the ultimate result of the game will be the goal for which each team will battle, quite a few individual skirmishes can also be expected in which players will match skill in their dual for prestige.

This is possibly true in every position in which the invaders will vie with the homesters for individual honors. As a rule when theses two teams meet personal contact craved by the majority of sports followers will be much in evidence, brought about by the hard and aggressive tactics resorted to by the players of both teams.

The Bethlehem be much stronger as a club when hostilities are resumed. This strength is added by the arrival of Joe McDonald, a right back of plenty of experience. With the inclusion of McDonald this department does not alone benefit, but the center half line as well, for Finlayson, one of the biggest players in the game, will be available for his regular position.

The Bethlehem forward line will also profit by changes on the defense. Rollo, an inside left, capable of playing most any position, will not be needed as a half back. His inclusion on the line will mean that Johnny Jaap can be shifted to inside right, his regular berth, and, paired off with Tommy Gillespie, promise to give the Hakoah defense plenty of trouble. In the selection of the team the only doubt rests at wing forward on the left side to which either Purgavie or Alec Dick, the latter also a newcomer, will be assigned.

The probable lineup:

Bethlehem -- Hakoah
Beveridge -- G -- Fischer
McDonald -- RFB -- Grosz
Allan -- LFB - -Sternberg
Finlayson -- RHB -- Drucker
Carnihan -- CHB -- Guttman
McGregor -- LHB -- Mahrer
Gillespie -- OR -- Schwarz
Jaap -- IR -- Hauesler
Stark -- CF -- Guenwald
Rollo -- IL -- Wortman
Purgavie or Dick -- OL - -Grenfeld
Referee: DeGroof. Linesmen, H. Williams and J. H. Carpenter.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club