The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Monday, September 14, 1914 -- page 11

About five hundred interested spectators witnessed the exhibition game by the Red and Blue teams of the Bethlehems club on the East End field on Saturday. The ground was in good condition which made the play very fast and exciting at times. Two very strong teams were put on the field and a good game was the result, every man striving hard and giving his best for positions on the first team, next Saturday, when the club will play Tacony F. C. in the opening game of the season. While both teams showed lack of team work due to all being new men and some in new positions, the playing was very satisfactory to the team officials. The prospect for next Saturday looks very bright. The Blue team won by the score of 5-0, which, however, was not gotten without some stiff fighting. Next Saturday's game should be a corker and Tacony has several new men, including Hamson, the star center forward from Canada, also a player named Rogers from Canada, heralded as a center half, also a new full-back named Falconer. Besides these men they have also signed Kirkpatrick and Dorsey, formerly of Victor F. C. East End field will be put in first class shape during the week, the grounds will be marked out and bleachers removed to accommodate the fans and also to assure everybody a good view of the game. The Bethlehems team will train Tuesday and Thursday of this week.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club