The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, September 15, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Steel Workers Get High Ratings
Whatever the outcome is of the remaining games in the Scandinavian tour of the Bethlehem Steel Workers, they will return home with the laurels of ranking with the greatest soccer elevens in Scotland and England. This is foreseen in the opinion of Harry McGregor, of the Scottish League, who witnessed three of the games abroad, and says the home teams are on a par with the leading clubs of Scotland and England. Details of the first three international soccer games played at the Olympia Stadium in Stockholm, Sweden, show that while the Americans took the measure of the Swedes, they encountered opponents who proved themselves in every way worthy of their steel.

The series of three matches at the stadium drew an aggregate attendance of 60,000 people, and during the second game King Gustave V. and the Swedish Crown Prince were present. The opening match was against the team of the Allmanna Idrottsklubben, and, although Bethlehem was led by 1 to 0 at half-time, the result was a tie at 2 to 2. Stark scored off a pass by Fleming in the first half, and Forrest converted a corner by McKelvey in the second. Fleming was the star of this game, while Wilson and Ferguson were invincible in the back position.

The Tigrarna Club, or "Tigers" were defeated by 1 to 0 in the second match, Forrest scoring off a corner by Fleming in the first half. Capt. Campbell, of Bethlehem, carried off the individual honors.

The third match was against a picked eleven representing the Swedish provinces, and again the Americans won after a fine struggle, by 2 to 1. In the first half Forrest scored off a pass by McKelvey, but the Swedes equalized before half-time. McKelvey, off a pass by Fleming, shot the winning goal in the second period. Capt. Campbell averted a dangerous situation by heading the ball from the goal mouth, when Duncan had been drawn out by an attack. The Yankee forwards were at their best in this game and produced a lot of combination plays with clock-like precision.

Kirkpatrick to Captain Merchants
Willie Kirkpatrick, the former Bethlehem star halfback, who is now sporting the colors of the Merchant Shipbuilders' soccer team, was appointed captain for the ensuing year. Billy quit the Steel Workers in the middle of last season after he was censured for violating the training regulations and was immediately signed by the Merchants. That he is held in high esteem and liked by the soccer enthusiasts in that section is apparent by the following comments made on his appointment as captain:

"Bill, as he is familiarly called by his wide circle of friends, should make a capable leader. Not only is he one of the best halfbacks in the country, but his experience gained with the champion Bethlehems the last two years should come in mighty handy leading the Merchants' eleven the coming season. With "Kirkie" at the head of affairs on the playing pitch the club should have a successful season for besides being a player above the ordinary, "Kirkie" is also popular with all the players, a potent factor in a winning team."

Soccer Drawing on October 11
According to an announcement issued from the office of Thomas W. Cahill, secretary of the United States Football Association, the National Cup competition committee will hold the drawing for the season 1919-20 on the evening of October 11. The preliminary round will be contested on or before Oct. 26 and the first regular round on or before Nov. 16.

Millar Stars for Dry Docks
Bob Millar, the former Bethlehem Steel soccer star, featured for the Robins Dry Dock team in a game played yesterday afternoon. Millar quit the local clan at the end of last season and joined forces [REMAINDER OF TEXT MISSING]

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club