The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, September 15, 1921
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Sheridan, Too, Has Plans for Soccer Team
Billy Sheridan, business manager of the defunct Bethlehem Steel team, has been associated with soccer too long to drop the sport entirely and, according to Billy, he is going to try and whip together a representative eleven with the remnants of the former crack Bethlehem combination. The squad, of course, would not present the playing ability of the crowd of celebrities who in the past sported the Blue and White but, nevertheless, would probably be sufficiently strong to cope with some of the teams that were included in the National League and the National and American Cup competitions. A previous announcement of Sheridan's intention was made but apparently there was a misunderstanding relative to the players with whom he expected to muster together an outfit. Quite a number of the stars of the first magnitude severed their relations with the local plant to associate with the Philadelphia F. C., but despite this desertion there is a wealth of good and experienced material remaining. These are the players that Sheridan expects to include in his personnel. Some of them have seen their best days in soccer. However, they are far from all in and profiting by their many years of experience, should still be able to cope with some of the best. Then there are others who are just coming and these youngsters molded in with the veterans should develop quickly. At any rate, Billy is not going to drop out of the sport if he can help it and is going to make a determined stand to inspire the cooperation of all the former Bethlehem Steel players remaining in the city.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club