Realizing the importance of next Saturday's game with Tacony, the players of the Bethlehem team went through a hard two-hour practice Tuesday afternoon. Various forward combinations were tried with varying success, the defense being put to a good test. Another hard scrimmage is called for on Thursday afternoon as nothing will be left undone to have the team in good shape for Saturday's contest. East End field is being worked on all week so as to have it in good shape for Saturday's game. Alterations are being made which will give better accommodations to the spectators. It will be interesting to the local fans to see how Campbell, Clarke, Ford and Miller will work with the rest of the team as each man is known to be a star. Judging by the number of spectators out to witness the practice game on Saturday it is very evident hat there will be a large crowd on hand to see the opening game. Special arrangements in the way of street cars for handling the crowd has been made and a tussle between two clubs which last season took three and one half hours to decide will be worth while seeing.