Former Bethlehem Stars with Shipbuilders
When the Bethlehem F. C. disbanded, the majority of the local celebrities flocked to Philadelphia where they enrolled as members of that team. However, several of the hometown stars were overlooked, two of whom have found a most welcome berth with the Todd Shipbuilders, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Jimmy Campbell, former captain of the Bethlehem outfit, who despite his extensive participation in the game, is still regarded as a peer of halfbacks, with George McKelvey, are the two players who went to Brooklyn and signed with the Tebo Yacht Basin eleven. The Tebos and Todds were practically under the same management and instead of supporting both teams, it was decided to amalgamate them into one, to be known as the Todd Shipyard eleven, with the result that both former Bethlehem players likewise were shifted to the Todd team. In the opening game against the Celtics yesterday the Todds won with apparent ease by the score of 7 to 0 and both Bethlehem players figured prominently in the victory.
Good Material for Home Club
When Billy Sheridan gets busy and organizes his Bethlehem soccer team, he will find an abundance of good veteran material to include in his personnel. The former Bethlehem F. C. manager might have to step out and g et a couple of youngsters but should find little trouble in scouring the sand lots and picking up players to fit in with his veterans. In this company the youngsters should quickly pick up the finer points of the game. Among the ex-Bethlehemites available are: Jimmy Easton, the old reliable, who is able to fill in at almost any position with goal probably the most suitable; Joe Morrison, Jack Lance, Murray, Bobby Morrison, Sam Fletcher and Jimmy Wilson. With these players as a nucleus, Sheridan should present a representative eleven.
Bill Stark Retained as Trainer
When the Quaker City promoters made their raid on the former Bethlehem F. C. players they included a valuable acquisition by signing Bill Stark, the veteran and efficient trainer, as head of his department. For years, or in fact, ever since soccer became a prominent sport in Bethlehem, Stark capably attended the wants of the players and proved a past master in keeping them in good physical condition.