Illuminating Soccer Contests
In New York City and several other ball parks located in the New England states, they are playing midnight soccer. The scheme as yet is not going any too hot in New York but they do say they crowd the ball parks fairly well in other cities. Fall River is one of the soccer towns in which the plan is being tried out and Sam Marks, the works of the Fall River team, is highly elated over his success and a staunch booster for the twilight frolic. As yet the plan is a novelty and as such can be expected to probably outdraw the day games, but once the fan becomes overfed the box office is certain to suffer. The sportsman craves outdoor recreation and for it he will come out on a sunny afternoon during the winter months, but can hardly be expected to get a kick out of a game on a good cold night. Right now night soccer may go across big but wait until the mercury drops and then estimate the response.