Bethlehem Globe
Tuesday, September 21, 1915
American League Officials Restrict Membership to Six Clubs - Managers Spring Surprises.

American league officials at their last meeting in Philadelphia, decided to restrict membership to six clubs for the coming season in order that the clubs might have more dates for the national and american cup competitions, intercity and interstate games.

The season will open October 16, and much surprise was caused when the different managers announced the players signed for the coming season. The Disston team which is out for the championship of the league and also the United States championship has signed four of the Victor players, Pearce, the goal-keeper, Spaulding, right fullback, Captain Scott, a centre half and Robertson a forward. Hibernian also signed two of the Victor players in Gallagher and Bergen, while the Boys club captured two or three. The league will consist of the following six clubs: Henry Disston and Sons, Hibernian, Bethlehem Steel company, Boys' club and Rangers and the Victor Talking Machine company of Camden. The schedule for the seasons follows:

First Half of Season.

October 16, Ranger vs. Hibernian; Bethlehem vs. Boys' club; Disston vs. Victor T. M. Co.

October 23, Victor T. M. Co. vs. Bethlehems; Hibernian vs. Disston; Boys' club vs. Ranger.

November 6, Bethlehems vs. Hibernian; Boys' club vs. Victor T. M. Co.; Disston vs. Ranger.

November 13, open for cup games.

November 20, Hibernian vs. Boys' club; Ranger vs. Victor T. M. Co.; Disston vs. Bethlehems.

November 27, open for cup games. December 4, Victor T. M. Co. vs. Hibernian; Boys' club vs. Disston; Bethlehems vs. Ranger.

End of first half of schedule.

December 11, open for cup games.

December 18, open for benefit games. Eastern Penna. and district.

December 25, open for benefit game, American league.

Second Half of Season.

January 8, Hibernian vs. Ranger; Boys' club vs. Bethlehems; Victor T. M. Co. vs. Disston.

January 15, Bethlehems vs. Victor T. M. Co.; Disston vs. Hibernian; Ranger vs. Boys' club

January 22, Hibernian vs. Bethlehems; Victor T. M. Co. vs. Boy's club; Ranger vs. Disston.

January 29, Open for cup games.

February 5, Boys' club vs. Hibernian; Victor T. M. Co. vs. Ranger; Bethlehems vs. Disston.

February 12, Hibernian vs. Victor T. M. Co.; Disston vs. Boys' club; Ranger vs. Bethlehems.

February 19-26, open for postponed league games and all of March open for local cup games.

Games played on grounds of first named team.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club