The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, September 21, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

To Inaugurate Season With Practice Game
Lovers of soccer will get their first opportunity to lamp the Bethlehem F. C. with its acquisition of new stars, on the Bethlehem Steel athletic field Saturday afternoon. Two squads, to be known as the Red and Blue teams, with the best of the talent equally distributed on both elevens, will square off promptly at 3 o'clock. By staging this game the management will get in the good scrimmage in priming for the league season which is shortly to be opened and also give the fans an opportunity to look over the squad. The Bethlehems this season promise to make a strong bid for the flag and cup honors and if the new players live up to their "reps," which there is every reason to believe they will, some of the many honors captured by the Bethlehems in the past will no doubt rest here for a year.

The Return of Jock Ferguson
Critics throughout the American League circuit look upon the return of Jock Ferguson to the fold of the Bethlehems as probably the best catch of the season. This is due regard to plying ability of the many stars that invaded this country and are distributed on the teams throughout the circuit. And the Bethlehem management probably feels the same way as the critics. Commenting on the return of Ferguson, Levi Wilcox, a booster of the sport in Philadelphia and a writer on a Quaker City paper, says the following:

"There is much rejoicing in Bethlehem since it was announced that Jock Ferguson, the great left fullback who played for the Steel Workers for eleven consecutive years before signing with J & P Coats last year has returned to his old love. The inclusion of Ferguson give Bethlehem a fullback who is not only recognized as a peer in his position, but he is also regarded by those who follow the game very closely as one of the leading team generals in the country. Those who witnessed that memorable Eastern Final National Cup match between Coats and Paterson vividly recall the wonderful exhibition that Jock gave when the team had its back to the wall."

Jock is by no means a "springer" but his teammates and other soccer critics are of the opinion that Ferguson gets better with each season instead of hitting the skids as did some of the older Bethlehem players.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club