Bethlehem Globe
Wednesday, September 22, 1915
East End Field Being Placed in Condition For Near at Hand Contest.
With the opening game of the local soccer season but a few days off, work on East End field is being rushed. The bleachers on the west side have been taken and replaced in their owl position on the south side and men are at work grading and leveling. A fence is being put around the playing field. The opening game next Saturday promises to be a very attractive one and it will be a forerunner of the big attractions that are promised local fans. West Hudson is one of the strongest and best teams in New Jersey. Local fans will remember the hard fight it gave the home team in the American Cup Competition two years ago. Since then both teams have been improved. Manager Tom Adams who has handled the reins of the West Hudson team since 1907, has sent word that he has gotten together one of the strongest aggregations in the history of the West Hudson and expects to give the local a hard fight. The home team has signed several new players and in all probability they will be seen in the line-up next Saturday. The Bethlehem Steel Company Band has been secured for the opening game. Either James Walders or George Young, Philadelphia, will officiate as referee.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club