The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, September 23, 1918
When the Soccer Whistle Blows

The soccer season will officially open on Saturday when Bethlehem clashes with the Paterson F. C. on the Bethlehem Steel athletic field in a National League game. A practice game was played on Saturday, the teams being selected from the Bethlehem squad, and the players given a thorough work-out. Manager Sheridan is still doubtful as to several positions and will make the selection later in the week.

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The players are all in good condition and anxious to get started in a real game. For the last two weeks or more the squad has been put through a hard work-out each evening and although they still have a week to put on the finishing touches, are already fit to go through the 90 minutes of play.

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Since soccer is being greatly agitated all over the country, a big season is looked for locally. It is believed that the game will appeal to a far greater multitude than formerly during the coming season. It is conceded that soccer, to the inexperienced spectator, may not be quite as thrilling as some of the other fall and winter sporting events, but after some of the intricate points become known and the rules familiarized, the play becomes more and more interesting, and to the confirmed soccer enthusiast soon becomes the greatest and best of the fall sports.

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"Bull" Brennigan, the St. Leo player, who less than two weeks ago invaded the East determined to earn a berth on one of the big squads in this section, had his desire gratified yesterday when he made his initial appearance with the Merchant Ship team, of Bristol. Brennigan first came to Bethlehem and desired to cast his lot with the local team, being a personal friend of Harry Ratican, one of the Steel Workers' star players. For some reason or other Brennigan after remaining her for more than a week, was not signed, and went to Bristol. Although he had been at the Merchants plant less than a week he started in the game against the Scottish-Americans on Saturday and earned mention in the account of the game. Brennigan played outside left and with him Andrew Burnett, also a local steel player, covered the inside left position. The Bristol team created a big surprise in soccer circles by easily defeating the Scots, 4 goals to 1.

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The two big annual cup competitions again loom up as the big classics of the season. The Bethlehem team is the holder of both the trophies, having won the National cup and the American Football Association cup by defeating Fall River Rovers and Babcock & Wilcox in the finals last season. Entries to the American Cup series will close Friday, Oct. 4, in Newark, and for the National Cup, Oct. 5, in New York. Matches will be played each month, losers dropping out.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club