Rain No Terror for Soccer Fans
The National Giants and the New York F. C. competed in an exhibition game on the Polo grounds yesterday afternoon, more or less as a feeler of sentiment toward the sport, and fifteen hundred fans turned out to see the two teams battle to a 1-1 score. While the attendance would hardly be considered as good under fair conditions or in a league or cup game, it was nevertheless very encouraging when the elements are considered. The game was played during a downpour of rain and many fans undoubtedly believed there would be no contest. The game was the debut of professional soccer at the famous baseball park where the National Giants formerly the Paterson F. C., National champions, will be at home during the coming season.
McNiven Only Local Player With Giants
While in Practically all of the teams represented in the American League there is a fair sprinkling of former Bethlehem players, the National Giants in their exhibition debut yesterday afternoon had but one former Bethlehemite in the lineup. The former local player was Dan McNiven, a Bethlehem center forward. McNiven was in that position for the Giants yesterday afternoon but the lone scoring honors went to Fryer. McNiven joined the club at the beginning of last season but remained with the team on for one years, giving way to Walter Jackson, a newcomer to the ranks of the Bethlehem club.