Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, September 24, 1929
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Bethlehem a Drawing Card
Further evidence of the popularity of the Bethlehem soccer club becomes apparent by the many invitations in from the outlaws suggesting squeezing in a few exhibition games. As late as yesterday the club receiving a flattering offer to invade the metropolitan district over the weekend. Sam Marks stole a march on his co-managers for when the first peace clouds began to hover over the soccer warfare he immediately arranged to have Bethlehem come to his bailiwick for a mid-week exhibition game and the game was sanctioned by the U. S. F. A. since then Bethlehem has been besieged with similar invitations. Sanction, however, is denied any such games in the New York district pending a more definite understanding of settlement which may be consummated this week. The believe that a more definite status will be reached within a very short time is inspired by the understanding that Armstrong Patterson, president of the U. S. F. A., will come on from his home at Detroit and be a weekend visitor in New York City.

A Draw Score
It is of some interest to the soccer fans who saw Bethlehem outclass the Newark Portuguese in this city on Saturday to know that the same Portuguese team with but two changes in the lineup held the New York Giants to a two-goal draw. Just another illustration that comparative scores in soccer mean no more than in any other sport and probably less. In the game where on Saturday there was no comparison and certainly the Portuguese must have been a tired team after the fast pace carried through in the Bethlehem game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club