The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, September 26, 1918
Soccer Notes

The Bethlehem Steel soccer team has completed training for the opening game of the season with Paterson F. C. in the National League, and all the players are in good condition and anxiously awaiting the referee's whistle. Paterson can always be relied upon to furnish strong opposition and Saturday's game is sure to be a hard fought contest from the start. The time of starting has been set at 3:30 so that the fans can witness the parade and also be in time for the game. The Steel Workers will line-up as follows: Duncan, Fletcher, Ferguson, Kirkpatrick, Campbell, Butler, McKelvey, Pepper, Ratican, Forrest and Fleming.

Adding Butler at left half for the Steel Workers is the only radical change in the lineup and if he plays the game he is capable of the Bethlehem halfback line will be up to the former high standard.

Down Bristol way soccer fans claim that Harry Pearce, the Philadelphia second baseman, is the king of goalkeepers. Well, Bethlehem fans think along the same lines about Duncan, so that the visit of the Shipbuilders on Oct. 12 will have an additional interest.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club