The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, September 27, 1918
Soccer Notes

Everything is in readiness for the opening game of the National League schedule at Bethlehem Steel field tomorrow, and all indications point to a big crowd of fans and a great game. Manager Garside of the Paterson F. C. states that he has an exceptionally strong team signed up for this season. The Steel Workers are just as confident in their ability to win and intend to start off tomorrow with two points at the expense of Paterson. The time of staring the game has been changed to 3:30 to give the fans an opportunity to witness the parade. There is a possibility of a last minute change in the Bethlehem line up due to the illness of Tommy Fleming. The Paterson line up is unknown at this time, but from information received they present a strong combination. Extra cars will run from Third and New streets in time for the game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club