The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, September 30, 1918
Corner Kicks

By defeating the Paterson club the Bethlehem soccer champions get away to a good start. The next National League clash for the local team will be with the Bristol shipbuilders.

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Manager Sheridan was in his glory. Although "Billy" is a follower of all sport, soccer is the closest to his heart and his face was wreathed in smiles as he watched his champions mow down the opponents.

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Although it appears to be a bit too early, the vacancies caused by Thomas Murray, and "Jimmy" Murphy, who entered the services, are satisfactorily taken care of. .

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George McKelvey, the former Disston player, was back at his old position, outside right for Bethlehem on Saturday. Few wingmen can shoot the balls across the same as this scotchman, who generally plants it right in the center of his opponent's goal. McKelvey is a strong addition to the team and looked very good in the contest on Saturday.

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Harry Ratican started on his record scoring trip when he registered the first goal of the season. Harry worked the ball down the field then received the pass near the center, and when within striking distance booted it into the net with accuracy.

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"Whitey" Fleming displayed his old time "pep" and came across with the second goal a few minutes after Ratican scored.

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Pepper and Forrest shared the honors for the two goals registered in the last half.

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Although the practice has been strenuous the past two weeks the men are still far from being in perfect condition. This was especially noticeable among the visitors, who had trouble staying on their feet and frequently suffered from bruises that later in the season would be passed up without feeling.

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Entries for the National Cup tourney will close with Thomas W. Cahill in New York on Saturday, October 5. Teams playing in organized soccer are eligible to join the competition which is played on the lose and out plan.

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Great is the interest attached to the National League game between Bethlehem and Bristol which will be played here. It is hoped that "Bull" Brennigan and Burnett are used in the lineup so that local fans can get a line on their playing.

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In an exhibition game yesterday the Merchant Ship of Bristol had an easy time defeating the Hog Island club by the score of 6 goals to 0.

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The New York F. C., defeated the Scottish-Americans in a National League game at Kearney, N. J., yesterday by the score of 3 to 1. A large crowd witnessed the game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club