Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Monday, September 30, 1929
A Swing Along Athletic Row

The Soccer War
Armstrong Patterson, of Detroit, president of the United States Football Association, has been in New York since last Friday. The object of his visit was to smooth matters in bringing about a hasty reconciliation in the soccer warfare. Since no public announcement is forthcoming relative to a definite settlement it becomes apparent that the chief executive of the national body encountered more twists and turns than anticipated. Still soccer fans are hopeful and looking forward to the day when peace is definitely established.

Giants' Trip to Hakoah
Soccer, too, has its surprises and probably the outstanding jolt of the current season was experienced by Hakoah All-Stars, New York's Jewish combination of booting celebrities, when the national champions were tumbled by the New York Giants. It was the second defeat of the season for Hakoah and creates a three-cornered deadlock for first place in the Eastern League race with Bethlehem involved in the tie.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club