Soccer was in full swing yesterday afternoon on East End field, about forty boys from the [ . . . ] and Quinn schools, this [ . . . ] for training. There [ . . . ] Bethlehem [. . .] joined in the [ . . . ] anxious to learn the art of kicking the soccer football. The proposed school league has aroused much enthusiasm among the boys on both sides of the river. Mr. Campbell of the local champion team spent much time yesterday teaching the boys a few of the fine points of the game. On Saturday, the Bethlehem team will open its American league schedule in Philadelphia, playing Schuylkill Falls. The tam is in good shape and has trained hard all this week and the local fans can rest assured that it will give a good account of itself in Philadelphia on Saturday.
The Bethlehems Reserve on Saturday will play an exhibition game with East Bangor at East Bangor.
Bobby Morrison, one of the Bethlehems’ last season’s star players is expected to arrive in this country from Scotland some time next week and will immediately rejoin the team.