Bethlehem Globe
Friday, October 1, 1915

Entries for the United States soccer championship competition closed yesterday and the draw for the qualifying [ . . . ] first round proper will take place at the Broadway Central hotel, New York City, Saturday, October 2. It is usual for junior clubs and new entries in the competition to play preliminary games during October to qualify for the first round proper which games much be played on or before November 14. The second round of the competition must be played on or before December 12, third round on or before January 16, fourth round on or before March 5, semi-final on or before April 2 and the final on or before April 30. Entries for the American Cup competition emblematic of the championship of the east also closed September 30, and the draw for the first round will take place on Saturday, October 9 at the A. F. A. headquarters, Newark, N. J. The various rounds of this competition has to be played on or before the last day of each month. The Bethlehem Steel company soccer champion of the United States and holders of the $1000 DeWar trophy. The team will again compete in this competition and will try to duplicate last season's work. The winners of the American Cup last year were the Scottish American team of Newark, N. J. Bethlehem won this trophy in 1914-13 but lost it last year in the competition to the Brooklyn Celtic, which, however, it later defeated in the final for the United States Cup competition. The local champions will be given a rest on Saturday in view of the two hard games ahead of them next week. On Wednesday, they will line-up against Hibernian, Philadelphia, on Taylor field, Lehigh University. This game will begin at 4:30 p.m. prompt. George Young, Philadelphia, will probably referee this game. Saturday, October 9, on East End field, Columbia team will be Bethlehem's opponents. This will be the first time that these two teams will have met.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club