Bethlehem Globe
Friday, October 1, 1915

Two other local teams have entered the National Cup competition, Nativity F. C. and the Bethlehem Reserves.

James Wilson, the new fullback recently obtained by the Bethlehem Steel company, who was injured in the first practice game is improved and is expected in the game in the course of two or three weeks.

Bethlehem Steel is the only one entered in the American Cup competition from this district. Secretary H. W. Trend will represent Steel company at the A. F. A. meeting in Newark tomorrow night, when the draw for the first round will be made.

The Boys Victor, South Bethlehem, has purchased new uniforms, colors royal blue and white. They present a very smart appearance. It is probable that this team will play Bethlehem High team on the East End field next week.

William Duncan, goalkeeper of the Bethlehem Steel Works, is coaching Bethlehem High school.

The Bethlehem Reserve will play Nativity F. C., Blue Mountain league game on Saturday.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club