Bethlehem Globe
October 2, 1914
Result of Game to be Telegraphed Western Union Office -- Reserves to Play Bangor.

Bethlehems team held a stiff practice yesterday afternoon on the East End field, short and long passing was practiced and corner kicking by the wing men was indulged in after which the Blue and Red played a short practice game. Blue scoring twice on Red. Trainer Lynn reported that all the men are in good shape for tomorrow's game with Schuylkill Falls in Philadelphia.

The result of tomorrow's contest will be telegraphed to the Bethlehem office Western Union company immediately after the game. Soccer will be in full swing from tomorrow in the American League of Philadelphia will start its race for the championship and tomorrow, Saturday, will be the official opening date. There are eight clubs in the league and they will start off as follows: Schuylkill Falls vs. Bethlehem; Philadelphia Rangers vs. Hibernians, Philadelphia; Victors F. C. vs. West Philadelphia, and Tacony vs. Irish Americans, Wilmington, Del.

The following players will leave on the 12:45 p.m. train from Union depot: Campbell, Clarke, Fleming, Ford, Lance, Lewis, Millar, Murray, Peacock, Scaife, Stewart, Tool, and Trainer William Lynn.

The Reserves Saturday will play with East Bangor at Bangor, they will leave on the 12:20 p.m. trolly from Broad and New streets, Bethlehem. These men will play: Morrison, Bradley, Werst, Scott, A. Lewis, Smith, Crawford, Beeber, Wetherspoon, Clarke and Getter.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club