The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, October 3, 1919
Two of Them, Easton and Wilson, Arrived Last Night From Europe
The vanguard of the Bethlehem Steel soccer team arrived home last night when Jimmy Easton and James Wilson, two of the member of the squad returned to Bethlehem.

Speaking about the trip, Easton stated that it was all that could be desired and that the players were thoroughly enjoying themselves. However, he said the strict rules of discipline enforced by Thomas Cahill, under whose charge the team toured, kept the players in the best condition and that their showing in this country fully vouches for this. "The only inconvenience suffered was that there were so few English speaking people in Sweden and naturally, unless we were with our own crowd, we felt like outsiders," he said.

People are wild about soccer in Sweden and this was very much in evidence at the opening game. The monster stadium was packed to its capacity and more than five thousand people turned away. In describing the scene Easton said it was grand to looked at and a particular feature was that not one of the spectators was allowed to stand. As soon as all seats were occupied the gates were closed and no more admissions allowed.

The clubs in general are made up of some of the best players available, and play an excellent brand of football. The Steel Workers played the best game of their career and for this reason were successful in compiling the wonderful record. In all the games the teams appearing against the Steel Workers were "padded" with the best players and in no instance was a club sent intact to oppose them.

Easton and Wilson included in their trip a tour to England and Scotland, spending eight days in the former place and two weeks in their native land. They remained with the team for the first six gams and when they learned that their services were not needed were granted a leave of absence to visit their home. In Scotland Easton pleasantly surprised his three brothers an sister while Wilson visited his mother and brother. In neither case were the members of the family apprised of their home coming and there was great rejoicing and surprises when their made their appearance. During the eight days spent in England Easton and Wilson were the guests of the former's brother who is located there.

Speaking of the conditions in England, Easton said they do not look very bright at the present time and that the country is still on a food ration. The prices of foodstuffs and clothing are sky-high and almost doubled those asked in this country.

The two steel workers returned home last night on the Caramania of the Cunard line after a most pleasant voyage and left New York immediately for their homes in Bethlehem.

The Steel Workers left their home last Saturday and are expected early next week.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club