The Globe -- Bethlehem
Saturday, October 4, 1919
Seven of Them Are Visiting Relatives and Friends In England and Scotland

A wireless message received this morning at the offices of the Bethlehem Steel Company from Tommy Fleming, on board the steamship Stadenjerfjord, en route to this country from Sweden, brought the information that a half-dozen more of the players did not accompany on the trip and will return home later after visiting parents and relatives in Scotland and England.

Included in the party who remained are William Sheridan, who upon his arrival home will again assume the managership of the Steel Workers; Capt. James Campbell, McKelvey, Fletcher, Pepper, Forrest and Ferguson. All except McKelvey and Fletcher will visit in Scotland, the latter two continuing their trip to a visit to relatives in England. This party will leave Glasgow on Oct. 18, on the Columbia, of the Anchor Line, and are expected to arrive home on Oct. 28. The rest of the players are expected home on Tuesday.

According to the National League schedule the Steel Workers are slated to open their campaigning in this circuit at week from tomorrow when they oppose the Federal Ship in New York. Minus the above squad the club will be seriously impaired although the number of reserves available are sufficient to present a full and strong team. It may be that some effort will be made to cancel the Bethlehem Steel games until a later date when all the players are home.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club