The Globe – South Bethlehem
Monday, October 7, 1912, page 7
Bethlehem, 4; Edward VII, 2.

The local soccer football team on Saturday opened its League season with the Edward VII team in Philadelphia and won by the score of 4-2. The locals turned out as announced and after the few minutes allowed to warm up, the representative captains were called together. Galbraith for the second time lost the toss, and had to get his men to face a strong son, and a slope, which was very much against them for the first 45 minutes. Cassidy kicked off for Bethlehem, and it was evident that the game was going to be fast from the outset. The home team was playing the best game, and more were continually pressing the local defense who were not at all steady, and after the game had been in progress 12 minutes Bone handled the ball and Aston scored from the penalty kick, giving Edward VII the first goal. The local team could not get going together, and was continually on the defensive, McKinnon was moved to half-back, and Stewart took his place. This move helped to check the home forwards, who were playing a great game, and came within an ace of scoring a second goal. Bethlehem improved as the game progressed, Lance doing some fine work, and Bethlehem was given a fine chance to tie up the score. H. Jackson fouled the ball, and the locals were awarded a penalty. Galbraith took the kick, but missed the mark by inches only, thus a good opportunity was lost, and half-time arrived with the score: Edward VII, 1; Bethlehem, 0.

On resuming the local team changed its line-up somewhat and this seemed to improve the working, Lance going center forward and Cassidy going center half. But the home team was playing hard and fourteen minutes from the restart, H. Jackson scored the second goal. This put a scare into the Bethlehem camp as it was playing hard but could not find the goal and with only twenty minutes to go it looked like Bethlehem being beaten. But the locals started to employ better team work and were finally rewarded for their efforts. Twenty-five minutes from the re-start Fleming opened the score for Bethlehem with a beautiful shot. This put life into the team and there was no holding the forwards. Lewis gave Galbraith a beautiful pass. The latter made no mistake with a very fine shot and thus tied the score after thirty-one minutes amidst great excitement. After this both teams played hard to get the next goal, which would give the lead. The home team was awarded another penalty. Aston took the kick but the local goalkeeper was equal to the occasion this time and saved the shot beautifully and with only four minutes to play. The Bethlehem forwards swept down and Lance getting the ball, made no mistake with a tremendous drive thus giving Bethlehem the lead. Nothing could hold the local forwards at this stage and with only one minute to play Fleming took the ball and beating the defense, scored the fourth goal with a grand cross shot which completely beat the goalkeeper. The final whistle sounded with the score: Bethlehem, 4; Edward VII, 2. This was a most exciting game, of which Lance was easily the best player on the field. Galbraith and Fleming played fine football, but were badly assisted by the halfbacks. Love in goal played a good game, but the fullbacks were very erratic and not at all good in their judgment of placing the ball.

Saturday, Oct. 12, the local team will be at home with Kensington of Philadelphia, as its opponents. This will be the first appearance of the Kensington team in Bethlehem, and should be a great attraction as it is noted for fine football and team work. This game will be played on East End field. The local management has decided to change the method of playing and the goals will be placed to opposite way thus affording better accommodations for the supporters of the game. The grandstand and the bleachers may be utilized to advantage with this change. A winning team, there should be seen some good crowds at the soccer game.

Bethlehem. – Positions. – Edward VII.
J. Love – goal -- Hamilton
R. Bone – right fullback -- Jackson
W. McKinnon – left fullback – W. Aston
R. Stewart – right halfback -- Smith
J. Lance – center halfback – H. Aston
H. Garvey – left halfback -- Beech
J. Galbraith (Capt.) – outside right -- Otess
H. E. Lewis – inside right -- Lonney
J. Cassidy – center forward – J. Jackson
M. Leonard – inside left -- Copper
T. Fleming – outside left -- Smith
Lawson – linesman -- Badshaw
Goals – Fleming 2, Galbraith 1, Lance 1; total 4. H. Aston, 1; J. Jackson 1; total 2. Referee, J. Waldron. Time of halves, 45 minutes.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club