Bethlehem Globe
Thursday, October 7, 1915
The Soccer Game

A big crowd witnessed the contest. The field was slippery, owing to the wet grass. The Hibs' new men were Coughlan, Robinson, Wilson, Rawson and Gallagher, while Bethlehem's new man was Brown.

The Hibernians secured but one corner kick and had probably two chances to score in the 6 minutes of play. Their only point made was secured by Richardson from a penalty kick due to Ferguson tripping a player. It was seven minutes from the start when Miller shot the first goal for Bethlehem, and five minutes later he repeated the trick from a cross shot by Dean. Fleming found the net for a third goal from a pass by Miller and in the second half Brown and Clarke added two more points for the Steal workers.

Hibernians -- Bethlehem
Coughlan -- Goal -- Duncan
Robinson -- Right full-back -- Fletcher
Wilson -- Left full-back -- Ferguson
Rawson -- Right half-back -- Campbell
Jacoville -- Centre half-back -- Clarke
Ricahrdson -- Left half-back -- Morrison
Waltemate -- Outside right -- Dean
Coursey -- Inside right -- Pepper
Gallagher -- Centre forward -- Brown
Barrett -- Inside left -- Miller
W. Burgin -- Outside left -- Fleming
Goals -- Miller, 2, Fleming, Brown. -- 30 minutes.

Between the halves of the soccer game, the children of the National [ . . . ], under the direction of John To gave an exhibition drill which was remarkably clever.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club