It has been learned from well informed sources that representatives from several of the leading Philadelphia clubs have been interviewing Bobbie Morrison since his arrival here on Monday from Scotland only to find that the Bethlehems club had been first in obtaining his signature. He is registered in the American Cup competition for the Bethlehem club. He is expected to join the team tomorrow. Victor professional will bring to Bethlehem on Saturday its possible strongest line-up and has been promised a banquet by a prominent Philadelphian, if it succeed in defeating Bethlehems on Saturday. In goal it has Ackoryd who has been picked for all Philadelphia time and again and who is considered to be the best goal keeper in Philadelphia. In other departments it considers itself as strong as Bethlehems. The team is training hard as Victor is known to be a fast and dashing team which fights to a finish. East End field is being put into first class condition and a new dressing pavilion for the players is being built.