The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, October 8, 1917
Bethlehem Escapes Preliminary Round and Drew Bye in the First Round

At a meeting of the National Challenge Cup Committee of the United States Football Association, held at New York Saturday night, the principal business was the draw for the first round of the national soccer cup competition. Fifty-four clubs have entered for the trophy this season, compared with 88 last year, the falling off being due to several clubs having disbanded owing to the war.

The following resolution was agreed to: "That, in view of the fact that many clubs having entered the competition at such a late date, sufficient time is not permitted these clubs to register players in time to qualify for playing the first round proper, set originally by the committee for October 21, the schedule of dates is therefore rearranged as follows."

First round to be played off on or before November 4; second round, December 2; third round, December 30; fourth round, March 3; semi-finals, March 31; and final, April 21. The holders of the cup, Fall River Rovers, are called upon to face a difficult task of tackling New Bedford Celtics on the latter's ground.

Among the prominent elevens which are not represented this season are the Pullman F. C. of Chicago, Howard and Bullough of Pawtucket and Brooklyn Celtics, who always previously have been factors in the cup competition.

The usual preliminary round has been abandoned. In the third round teams will be permitted to extend their games until January 1, 1918. The new date will eliminate contest during the two most wintry months, January and February.

Only five clubs have entered from the Eastern Pennsylvania district, which includes Philadelphia and vicinity. By a strange coincidence the Disston A. A. team has again been drawn to meet Wanderers of the Allied League in first round on the Tacony baseball grounds. During the previous two season these clubs met on the same field and the Sawmakers won each time. The other three teams from Chicago and two each from New Jersey and New York district, drew byes. The Philadelphia teams excuse in the first round are Veteran A. A., Puritan Y. M. L. and the Bethlehem Steel Company team.

All games must be started not later than 2:30 p.m. The referees and linesmen and also the U. S. F. A. delegate will be notified by the Emergency Committee of the Cup Committee. The latter committee is composed of William Palmer, of Philadelphia; Thomas Bagnell, Andrew M. Brown, Joe Booth and A. W. Keane.

The pairing for the first round games, to be played on the first named team's grounds, are as follows:

Ohio District -- Akron F. C. vs. Thistle F. C.; Firestone Non-Skid F. C. vs. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., and Cleveland F. C. vs. White Automobile F. C.

Detroit District -- Raising Star F. C. vs. Corinthian F. C.; Rose F. C. vs. Bricklayers F. C.<

Western Pennsylvania -- Castle Shannon F. C. vs. McKeesport F. C.; Roading F. C. vs. Homestead Steel Works.

Eastern Pennsylvania -- Disston A. A. vs. Wanderers' F. C. The Veteran A. A., Puritan Y. M. L. and Bethlehem Company F. C. drew byes.

Chicago District -- Bricklayers and Masons F. C. vs. Harvey F. C. The Bohemian American F. C., Joliet Steel Company and Scottish American F. C. drew byes.

Southern New England -- New Bedford Celtics vs. Fall River Rovers; Greystone A. C. F .C. vs. Lonsdale F. C.; Crompton F. C. vs. Pan-American F. C.; New Bedford F. C. vs. J & P Coats.

Northern Massachusetts -- Fisk Red Tops vs. Fore River Rovers. Lynn Hibernians F. C. and Lawrence F. C. drew byes.

Northwestern New York -- Kodak Stark F. C. vs. Rochester Celtic F. C.

Connecticut -- Bridgeport City F. C. vs. Bridgeport Rovers.

New York and New Jersey -- New York F. C. vs. Clan MacDuff's; Fulton A. C. vs. Alley Boys' F. C.; Clan MacDonald's vs. La Sultana F. C.; Jersey A. C. vs. West Hudson; Babcock and Wilcox vs. Scottish-Americans; White Rose F. C. vs. I. R. T. Strollers. Paterson F. C and Kinsley F. C. drew byes.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club