The Globe – South Bethlehem
Friday, October 11, 1912 – page 7

The Bethlehem Soccer football team, Saturday afternoon will play the strong Kensington team of Philadelphia in the Allied American League Championship on the East End Field. Game called at 3 o’clock sharp. The local management hopes to see a large crowd at this game as it has changed the field by reversing the way of play that spectators my utilize the grand stand and the bleachers to advantage and see the whole play. The playing portion is in the best condition. The distribution of prizes will take place at the interval of the game. The returns of the Lehigh-Annapolis and the New York-Boston games by special arrangements will be received and announced to the fans. This will be the first League game this season in Bethlehem and without a doubt it will be a fine exhibition of the soccer game. The local team will try to keep up its winning streak. Bethlehem has as fine a football team as there is in the state though a few more changes have been necessary in the lineup to get the team in working order. Peacock will make his debut at left full back and should greatly strengthen the defense. The following players have been selected to take the field against Kensington: Love, Bone, Peacock, Lawler, Stewart, Leonardd, Galbraith (Capt.), Lewis, Lance, Garvey, Fleming. Reserve, Williams; Linesman, H. Shackleton.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club