The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, October 11, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Big Doings in Observing League Opening
Unusual preparations are being made for the opening of the American League Soccer League in cities where teams stage their first games on Saturday afternoon. Bethlehem is one of these and while no bands have been engaged or parade of players and fans arranged, nevertheless, the management is confident that the merit of their product displayed in action against the fighting clan of New York F. C. will be sufficient to incite the enthusiasm and stimulate the interest of soccer patrons and others. In Philadelphia the rejuvenated Quaker outfit has arranged to make a crashing getaway and are favored much in its plans by the fact that the Phillies open their home season with the New York Giants, National champions. A band has been engaged and it is said the usual flag raising stunts will be witnessed. All of which gives the match more than usual prestige. The battle on the home lot will be started at 3 o'clock.

Conflicting Circumstances Enveloping Cup Game
On Saturday, October 20, the Bethlehem F. C. is drawn to oppose the Kaywood F. C. of Philadelphia, in the first National Cup game of the season. Effort is being made to have the game transferred or set back a week but it is understood that as yet the cup committee has refused to sanction the move. The reason is that Bethlehem High on the same date meets Cheltenham High and through the courtesy of the Bethlehem Steel Co. is using the athletic field for home games, the home grounds also of the Bethlehem F. C. If no other alternative is arrived at it may be possible that two games will be played on the date with the soccer opening up the dual bill and followed by the football clash. To forfeit in the National Cup competition would mean nothing less than elimination.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club