Bethlehem's fine forward line, one to challenge the strongest quintet in American big league soccer, will be seen in action against the Hungarian F. C., here on Saturday afternoon in an Eastern League game.
Although this revamped and strengthened combination have yet to stand up under a test in their first game the reputed ability of each individual assures that the rating is by no means over-estimated.
On the right wing, Tommy Gillespie is the speed marvel who seldom fails to prove a terror to rival backs. His dashing down wing and his excellent centers have aided materially in boosting the scoring averages of his co-workers. Nest to Gillespie at the inside post will be Johnny Henighen, the Scottish Junior Internationalist, who makes his debut in a home game. He has had no opportunity as yet to display his wares but if he lives up tot he reputation he enjoyed on the other side Bethlehem has made the catch of the season.
Alec Dick, also a newcomer, who has been seen mostly at an inside position will grace the left wing and as an outside forward he is probably at his best. At least that was the impression formed by the host of local loyals. To make room for Henighen, Johnny Jaap, outside right, was shifted to the inside position on the left side of the line. He will be no stranger to this berth for he has been playing this position and played it well.
The pivot bulwark of this constellation of stars will be Archie Stark, recognized as the premier center forward in the country and at present the leading goal scorer in the Eastern Soccer League.
Captain Bob McGregor has recovered from a slight back injury sustained a week ago and will be at his regular post on the first line defense along with the veteran "Bill" Carnihan and the versatile Johnny Rollo. The backs will be Billy Allan and McDonald with the responsibility of the net left in the hands of Beveridge.
And as yet the Bethlehem team is not recruited to its full strength. Billy Reid, big Irish halfback, is supposed to be on the high seas en route to America to join the club, but no definite word to this effect has been received. "Bill" Finlayson, is also missing, being allowed to remain in Providence to attend to some business affairs which he hopes to clean up quickly and then come to Bethlehem to establish a permanent residence.
Another player yearning to be with his mates is Alec Massie speedy blond inside forward, who encountered immigration difficulties. Latest advices from Massie are to the effect that it will be the latter part of this month before he can clear but then it will not be for a brief sojourn, but included in the quota which will enable him to establish here permanent.
The probable lineup of the teams follows:
Bethlehem -- Hungarian F. C.
Beveridge -- G -- Scullions
McDonald -- RFB -- Welsch
Allan -- LFB -- Pehle
Rollo -- RHB -- Weidner
Carnihan -- CHB -- Schneider
McGregor -- LHB -- Strauss
Gillespie -- OR -- Krouner
Henighan -- IR -- Kuntner
Stark -- CF -- Pipa
Jaap -- IL -- Szentniklosy
Dick -- OL -- Puzes