The Globe – South Bethlehem
Wednesday, October 14, 1914
Soccer Notes.

Toole, Scaife and Clarke are on the injured list and were unable to get into the special training which t he team is being put through in preparation for the Philadelphia-Hibernian game next Saturday in Philadelphia.

Bethlehems is having hard luck, one or two players having been injured in each game played so far this season.

Campbell is getting around and in all probability will be in Saturday’s line-up.

Bobby Morrison seems to have put on weight during his vacation. Many local fans were glad to see him back in the line-up.

Peacock’s loss to the team is a serious blow, in view of two of the hardest league games to be played.

Lance, Fleming, Millar, Ford, Morrison, Stewart, Galbraith, Murray, Donaghy, and Lawler were out in togs yesterday afternoon and all seem to be in fine condition.

On account of the Victor holding Bethlehems to a tie score on its own grounds, the Hibernian supporters are backing their team to win next Saturday and as this will be the first meeting of Bethlehems and the Hibernian a big crowd is sure to be on hand.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club